
Distant Healing

Tao Hands

Unleash Your Healing Potential with Tao Hands:

Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

Welcome to the world of Tao Hands, where the age-old wisdom of energy healing meets the compelling science of well-being.

In this transformative journey, you’ll explore the secrets of Tao Hands, uncover the scientific rationale behind its effectiveness, and discover the numerous benefits that could change your life.

Get ready to embark on a path that taps into your body’s innate healing power.

What Is Tao Hands? Click Here To Watch the intro video...

What Are Tao Hands?

Tao Healing Hands is an advanced healing technology that carries high-level frequency, vibration, information, energy and matter.

Tao Hands embody Source Light Hands, invisible to our ordinary eyes yet perceptible to our inner spiritual eye. They carry a blend of “Source (soul), energy, and matter,” capable of reshaping the frequency and vibration within the recipient’s soul, heart, mind, and body. The term “Tao” in Tao Hands signifies Source, transcending any specific belief system.

Tao Hands transmit the high vibration and frequency of Tao (or Source), aiding recipients in releasing blockages and transforming their soul, heart, mind, and body. Practitioners of Tao Healing Hands are bestowed with a unique spiritual transmission, much like the attunement ceremony in Reiki practice. Similar to Distance Reiki, Tao Hands can be shared remotely without the need for physical proximity, making the healing process just as effective.

Please Note: this is not a religious technique, Source/Soul are the universal names for our inner energy, no matter what your views are or religion lies.

The Science Behind Tao Hands: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Understanding

The profound healing effects of Tao Hands are rooted in the captivating interplay between ancient wisdom and contemporary science. Drawing inspiration from the intricate dance of quantum physics and the timeless principles of Tao, Tao Hands tap into the intricate web of energy and information underlying the universe.

Central to this synergy is the profound concept that all matter, energy, and consciousness are intricately interconnected.

Quantum Insights: A Universe of Connections

Quantum physics, the field exploring subatomic particles, reveals a universe that’s far more interconnected and adaptable than our conventional understanding suggests.

The notion of quantum entanglement, where particles remain linked regardless of distance, resonates with the distant healing potential of Tao Hands.

By tapping into the wellspring of the Tao Source, practitioners gain access to a reservoir of energy and information that transcends traditional spatial boundaries. This quantum bridge, coupled with ancient Tao, empowers practitioners to channel healing energy to recipients from afar, fostering equilibrium and well-being across multiple levels.

A Harmonious Confluence: Blending Ancient Teachings with Modern Insights

Tao Hands stand as a testament to the harmonious blend of ancient teachings and contemporary insights.

As science continues to delve into the interconnected fabric of reality, Tao Hands emerge as a conduit for timeless truths, awaiting rediscovery and utilization for the betterment of all.

How do Tao Healing Hands Work?

Through the 5 Levels of Creation, also known as the Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing (information energy and matter) shared by Dr. and Master Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu in Tao Science, we learn that soul and information are the same.

The soul is a warehouse of information and the blueprint for life.

This 5000-year-old universal law also reveals that the secret to manifestation (whether this is health, energy, relationships, finance) is that soul leads heart, heart leads mind, mind leads energy, and energy leads matter.

Because information and soul are one, and soul is the leader in life, the best way to transform life is to transform the information in the soul.

The unique healing power of Tao Healing Hands can send pure Tao Source frequency, vibration, information, energy and matter directly to the root cause – the information in the soul.

Tao Healing Hands transforms negative, lower vibrating information, energy and matter in your field (or the field of the recipient).

Most healing modalities work on the physical or energetic level…. and sometimes the mind level.

This healing modality gives the unique ability to offer soul-level healings to transform health, business, finances, relationships, spiritual growth, and more—for yourself and others. 

Upon receiving the Tao Healing Hands, you are instantly empowered and healing starts.

Tao Hands vs. Reiki & Other Modalities: A Distinctive Approach

Tao Hands represent soul healing, differentiating them from energy healing modalities like Reiki.

While both approaches contribute to well-being, Tao Hands venture deep into the soul, addressing the core of imbalance.

Just as Reiki works with the body’s energy, Tao Hands access the very essence—the soul. This comprehensive approach to vibrational healing is adaptable, independent of physical touch, and is effective both in-person and virtually.

Watch a documentary (about 20 minutes long) on Tao and the power of the techniques…